4 Make-Up Tips for Acne-Prone Skin

acne prone skin

4 Make-Up Tips for Acne-Prone Skin

I know.

Having acne-prone skin is not easy to live with. And it’s definitely not easy to find make-up that will not trigger a break-out.

Luckily, there are ways around it. I know that no make-up is not a solution, especially when you need thorough coverage.

Check out the 4 make-up tips for acne-prone skin below. It will take you a minute to go through them and just a bit longer than that to implement them.

  1. Simple and Light Make-Up for Acne-Prone Skin

This is quite straightforward: you need to use simple and light make-up that won’t mess up your skin in the long run. Ideally, you should opt for natural ingredients and as few chemicals as possible.

  1. Preparing Your Skin Using a Natural Moisturizer

A lightweight natural moisturizer is ideal for prepping acne-prone skin. 5 to 10 minutes later, you can apply a fresh coat of foundation to give your skin a homogenous look and conceal acne scars. Always start from the center of your face and make your way towards the outer margins.

Skin care products made from heavy-chemical ingredients can affect your skin and even trigger acne break-outs. What’s more, they may seriously irritate your skin. Always read the ingredient list before buying any kind of make-up, even if you don’t plan to use it too often.

  1. Only Apply Foundation that Matches Your Skin

Not every foundation is perfect for your skin. Choose one that does not contain oil and paraffin –these will add to the natural oils secreted by your skin and favor the onset of acne.

Avoid over-applying foundation. This is a common mistake for people with acne-prone skin. Not only will over-applying not do you any good in terms of appearance, but, by completely sealing your pores, you will have increased chances of acne break-outs.

  1. Use Powder to Seal the Make-Up

You can apply powder if you have areas that shine too much – this will seal in your make-up. Keep in mind that less is more. Use a large, fluffy brush to dust areas that are easily noticeable in the sun like the forehead, the bridge of your nose, or the cheekbones.
Having acne-prone skin doesn’t mean you have to forget about make-up. It just means that you have to choose your products carefully.

If you need more advice on this or a solution to say goodbye to acne forever, get in touch with us for a FREE consultation. We would be happy to recommend an acne treatment that is non-invasive, affordable and sure to succeed.

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