
4 Skin Care Tips for Winter Outdoor Activities

Skin Care Tips for Winter Outdoor Activities

4 Skin Care Tips for Winter Outdoor Activities

Cold winters have the same potential to be harsh on your skin as hot summers. If you have experienced a dry skin during a winter vacation, then you have an idea about what I’m saying and would benefit of skin care tips following below.

You are also probably familiar with a sunburn during summer. Unbelievable as it may seem, it’s not as painful as dry, cracked skin in winter. Moving from the outdoors where the temperatures are low, to the heated indoors leads to drying and may wreck your skin. Poor care of your skin during this time of the year can lead to chapping, redness, itchiness, and cracks, as well as other skin conditions like acne and eczema.

However, there are a few skin care tips for winter you can apply to prevent dry skin and chapped lips even while you practice the most daring of winter sports.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Just because the weather is cold doesn’t mean the sun is less likely to cause damages to your skin. There is a high percentage of UVA rays that can still penetrate the atmosphere, and this ages your skin. Even more, if you’re riding the slope, you should never do it without sunscreen. The exposure to ultraviolet rays escalates by four to five percent at every 1,000 feet above sea level.

Just as during summer, it is necessary to have caution during outdoor vacations in winter. It is always required to have a hat on, as well as full-coverage clothing — this should not be a challenge due to the cold weather. Again, it is essential to wear sunscreen during any outdoor sport or activity.

Consume a Lot of Veggies and Fruits

The vitamins and minerals found in vegetables play a critical role in the skin care. These include Vitamins A, C, and E, selenium, and zinc, which can go a long way in helping your skin stay moisturized and healthy.

Plus, veggies and fruits come with the added benefit of helping you with your waist line!

Drink Plenty of Fluids

You may not be feeling the need to hydrate as much as you did during summer. But given how the cold weather dehydrates you, you should make a habit out of drinking one glass of water every hour.

For an added taste, you can replace water with tea (who could say no to a hot cup of tea in this weather?) or fruit juices. Keep in mind that water alone may not be enough and needs to be consumed together with minerals, vitamins, salts, and healthy fats from fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc.

Use Powerful Moisturizers

The lightweight lotions were great during summer. Then, your skin naturally produced more oils.

But now it’s time for the heavy guns. Thick creams and lotions are your safest bet during winter. Don’t forget to moisturize every morning, evening and after every bath or shower (especially if they are particularly hot!)

What about you? What are your favorite skin care tips for winter? How do you keep your skin from going dry?

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